1 min read

Factoid: Cutting Cattle Greenhouse Gas

January 15, 2020


Could eating seaweed save the climate?

Cows are a significant source of methane, which is a powerful greenhouse gas, primarily from belching as they digest grass and feed (with more coming out the cow’s back end). But recent research found that mixing in a tiny amount (0.5%) of a type of seaweed into their food greatly cuts methane output, with no negative impact on milk production. Emissions related to growing the seaweed, and cow output of bromoform (bad for the ozone layer), slightly reduce the climate-saving value of this option, but further research looks to optimize this promising opportunity.

For more details, see Feeding cows seaweed could reduce their methane emissions – Anthropocene Magazine

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Luthin Associates

Written by Luthin Associates

Founded in 1994, Luthin Associates provides energy advisory services to all industry sectors in the New York Tri-state region and beyond. In 2019, Luthin Associates joined forces with 5, an innovative energy advisory firm comprised of energy innovators, commodity traders, analysts, engineers, and former energy supplier executives. As part of the 5 family of companies, Luthin Associates provides strategic advice on energy-related matters including procurement, demand-side management, rate optimization, regulatory intervention, benchmarking, bill auditing, RFP management, sustainability planning services, renewable power, and distributed generation.