We are honored that 5 has once again been named as a “Best Workplaces in Texas” by Texas Monthly magazine. This is the 5th consecutive year that we have been named in the TOP 10 Best Workplaces in Texas and we are proud that our company culture continues to impact our many stakeholders, including our employees, clients and suppliers.
2 min read
5 Secrets That Drive Our Thriving Culture
By Jeff Schiefelbein on June 18, 2020
Topics: Culture Education
Top 5 Energy Management Tips During an Operational Slowdown
By 5 on April 22, 2020
- Minimize outdoor air intake, particularly as outdoor air temperatures and relative humidity levels rise.
- Evaluate your building automation system setback controls to ensure proper operation of HVAC, lighting and other equipment.
- Consider temporary seals for leaking dock doors or other leak-prone building envelope openings.
- Consider shutting down exhaust fans, air compressors, pumps, refrigerators, freezers or other kitchen and process equipment that is not in use.
- Evaluate parking lot and parking garage lights to identify any that can be shut down while unoccupied.
Topics: Education
2 min read
Energy Contracts and Coronavirus
By 5 on March 19, 2020
In light of the impact of the Coronavirus on business operations, we are sharing information about Coronavirus and Contract Disputes circulated by the law firm Sidley & Austin. It provides a high-level summary of the force majeure issues raised by the spread of this illness. If your electricity and/or natural gas usage has or will be significantly affected by the spread of the Coronavirus, you should seek legal advice to determine if it is appropriate to provide a force majeure notice to your energy supplier. As discussed in the document, the relevant electricity or natural gas contract provision may require “prompt” notice of the force majeure event.
Topics: Markets PJM NYISO ERCOT Education
1 min read
Generación en Sitio
By 5 (Mexico) on February 1, 2020
En el panorama actual la CFE está enfocándose en la generación de electricidad por medio de combustibles fósiles Esta estrategia deja las tarifas de CFE expuestas a la volatilidad de precios de estos combustibles y al tipo de cambio USD/MXN. A su vez, los usuarios del sistema eléctrico nacional enfrentan un reto importante en cuanto a la confiabilidad y calidad del suministro eléctrico.
Topics: Education Mexico
1 min read
Generación Distribuida
By 5 (Mexico) on January 1, 2020
Debido a la creciente incertidumbre en el sector empresarial en México, es crucial analizar distintas alternativas de suministro eléctrico.
Topics: Education Mexico
2 min read
Local Law 97: Debunking Generic Carbon Calculators
By Luthin Associates on October 24, 2019
New York City’s Climate Mobilization Act, especially Local Law 97, sparked the creation of generic carbon calculators for buildings to assess occupancy class and emission limits. Although intended to be helpful, not all are accurate.
Topics: Markets NYISO Sustainability Education Renewables
2 min read
Consequences of Maryland's Clean Energy Job Act
By 5 on August 16, 2019
In February 2019, Maryland’s state legislature introduced Senate Bill 516. This bill was passed by the Maryland Assembly and became law in May 2019 without Governor Hogan’s signature. This new law, known as the Clean Energy Jobs Act, increases the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) to 50% by 2030 and includes a mandate that 14.5% of its electricity come from solar sources by 2028. This law also puts a plan in place to increase the RPS to 100% by 2040. In addition to the state’s new RPS, the Clean Energy Jobs Act would develop one of the most aggressive offshore wind programs in the country which will create 1,200 MWs of generating capacity. By comparison, the nation’s only other active offshore wind project produces 30 MWs from 5 wind turbines off the coast of Rhode Island.
Topics: Markets PJM Education
3 min read
Climate Mobilization Act, the Tale of Two Industries
By Luthin Associates on June 1, 2019
New York City passed a set of laws under the Climate Mobilization Act to transition New York toward clean electricity and drastically lower Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. This new legislation intends to counter the threat of climate change and involves four local laws which require:
Topics: Clients NYISO Case Studies Sustainability Education Renewables
2 min read
Are Spring and Fall the Best Time to Buy Power?
By 5 on April 24, 2019